Blog 1: Exciting times for the girl with a harp…

Welcome to my first blog!!! This is a result of stepping outside my comfort zone and rethinking some of my firm beliefs.

The first one: Don’t publish an unfinished website.
Yet this website is not finished and that is ok. Because if I wait for it to be fancy and shiny and all up to date…chances are I will not be needing it anymore (you know, being in the elderly home and all). This website is a work in progress and it will eventually be fancy and shiny! But we will get there together and I will keep you updated through this blog. And maybe live video’s, because…

The second one: I don’t want to do (like) live video’s.
Well guess what? Turns out that I do! I didn’t think a live video all by myself recorded by my phone without a cool setting would add much to the ways you can already hear me play. There are cd’s, concerts and even registrations of concerts! So why strip all of that away and just leave the bare backbone of those performances. Well, because thát is the addition! Being invited to the livingroom and being closer than you normally get. It took me some time and a bath to realise that. (I was in my bath watching a harpy friend live on Facebook playing a tune that I had written…and it was so amazing!)

The third one: just a harp is not enough.
Of course I feel a little insecure about taking of the training wheels and going solo on this one! It feels like stepping into the spotlight…very awkwardly and with blinking eyes. Can just one harp be interesting enough for a tune? Well, I think it can! It is a challenge to keep it interesting and not write and arrange the same tune twelve times over. But it is a challenge I like! The possibilities are endless…so much freedom to do what I want. I am so excited!!!
So, I am just a girl with a harp and that is exactely what I need to be.

So bear with me and join me on this ‘making of’ with me. Making of? Well yes! It is time for a solo album!!! I see it like some sort of travel journal of my adventures in music so far. I am still making plans and phantasize about where I want to go and how. Of what I want it to become…but I am ready to start sharing it with you!!!
Outside of your comfort zone is where the magic happens? That might be a very true thing! It is also a little bit scary (or a lot scary!), but I want my life to be led by courage, not insecurity…so here we go!!!

Copyright Coca Roman 2024